Silicon Valley Patent Prosecution
At the Law Office of Dorian Cartwright, we offer a wide range of intellectual property services to serve a variety of needs. By employing a high-level of technical expertise, we devise a legal strategy tailored to meet the goals of our clients, both large and small. Our patent prosecution attorneys take pride in providing top-flight legal services for each client whether it involves patent prosecution for individual inventors, in-house intellectual property attorney support for corporate clients, or workflow outsourcing for law firms.
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[one_half last=”no”]Contact Us[content_boxes layout=”icon-with-title” iconcolor=”” circlecolor=”” circlebordercolor=”” backgroundcolor=””][content_box title=”” icon=”” image=”” image_width=”35″ image_height=”35″ link=”” linktarget=”_self” linktext=”” animation_type=”0″ animation_direction=”down” animation_speed=”0.1″]Contact our Silicon Valley attorney for a patent prosecution consultation[/content_box][/content_boxes][/one_half]
[one_half last=”yes”]Patent Prosecution Services[content_boxes layout=”icon-with-title” iconcolor=”” circlecolor=”” circlebordercolor=”” backgroundcolor=””]
[content_box title=”” icon=”” image=”” image_width=”35″ image_height=”35″ link=”” linktarget=”_self” linktext=”” animation_type=”0″ animation_direction=”down” animation_speed=”0.1″]Our law office can handle all of your patent prosecution & intellectual property needs[/content_box][/content_boxes][/one_half]
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